
Rendering Templates

If you're serving HTML, you'll want to render a template. The render() method renders a template and puts that content into a Response object for you:

return $this->render('home.html.twig', ['post'=>$post]);

Templating and Twig are explained more in the Creating and Using Templates article.

Fetching Services

Symfony comes packed with a lot of useful classes and functionalities, called services. These are used for rendering templates, sending emails, querying the database and any other "work" you can think of.

If you need a service in a controller, type-hint an argument with its class (or interface) name. Symfony will automatically pass you the service you need:

use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

public function homeAction(Post $post, LoggerInterface $logger)
    $logger->info('We are logging!');
    // ...

The Wordpress Bundle adds two services : PaginationService and BreadcrumbService

 * @param PostCollection $posts
 * @params PostRepository $postRepository
 * @param PaginationService $paginationService
 * @param BreadcrumbService $breadcrumbService
 * @return Response
public function articleThematicAction(PostCollection $posts, PostRepository $postRepository, PaginationService $paginationService, BreadcrumbService $breadcrumbService)
    $context = ['posts'=>$posts];

    if( $page = $postRepository->findByState('news_landing') ){

        $context['breadcrumb'] = $breadcrumbService->build(['data'=>[[
            'title'=> $page->getTitle(),
            'link'=> $page->getLink()

    $context['pagination'] = $paginationService->build();

    return $this->render('page/term.twig', $context);

get_page_by_state is a new function available in the WP Steroids plugin, see docs

Fetching Repository

The Wordpress Bundle adds three repository : PostRepository, TermRepository and UserRepository designed to mimic Doctrine Repository way to fetch object from database.

Internally, it still uses Wordpress native functions WP_Query, WP_Term_Query and WP_User_Query to ensure plugins compatibility

 * @param Post $post
 * @param PostRepository $postRepository
 * @return Response
public function pageAction(Post $post, PostRepository $postRepository)
    $context = [
        'post' => $post,
        'related' => $postRepository->findBy(['post_type'=>'page', 'post_parent' => $post->parent, 'post__not_in' => [$post->ID] ],null, 4)

     return $this->render('page.html.twig', $context);

Last updated

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