What is Wordpress Bundle?


This package is a Symfony Bundle designed to use WordPress with Symfony.

How does it work ? When the WordPress bundle is loaded, it includes the minimal amount of WordPress Core files to allow usage of WordPress functions and plugins inside Symfony.

Blog Controller example for single page

 * src/Controller/BlogController.php
 * @param Post $post
 * @param PostRepository $postRepository
 * @param BreadcrumbService $breadcrumbService
 * @return Response
public function pageAction(Post $post, PostRepository $postRepository)
    $context = [];
    // get current post
    $context['post'] = $post;
    // find 10 "brands" ordered by title
    $context['brands'] = $postRepository->findBy(['post_type'=>'brand'], ['title'=>'ASC'], 10);

    return $this->render('page.html.twig', $context);

Twig template example for single page

{# templates/page.html.twig #}

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

{% block body %}
<article id="post-{{ post.ID }}" class="{{ post.class }}">

    {% if post.thumbnail %}
        <img src="{{ post.thumbnail|resize(800, 600) }}" alt="{{ post.thumbnail.alt }}"/>
    {% endif %}

    <div class="entry-content">
        {{ post.content|raw }}
        {# or #}
        {% for block in post.blocks %}
            {% include 'block/'~block.name~'.html.twig' %}
        {% endfor %}
    <small>{{ post.metafields.mention }}</small>
    {% for brand in brands %}
        {% include 'brand.html.twig' %}
    {% endfor %}

{% endblock body %}


Got 2 minutes? Checkout the demo of our bundle

This is an implementation of the Twenty Nineteen WordPress theme for wordpress-bundle.

Feature list

Using Composer
  • Install/update Wordpress via composer

  • Install/update plugins via composer

Using Symfony
  • Template engine

  • Folder structure

  • Http Cache

  • Routing

  • YML configuration

  • DotEnv

  • Enhanced Security ( Wordpress is 'hidden' )

  • Dynamic image resize

  • MVC

Using Wordpress Bundle
  • Post/Term Repository

  • Controller argument resolver for post(s), term and user

  • Symfony Cache invalidation on update ( Varnish compatible )

  • Post/Image/Menu/Term/User/Comment/Site/Block entity

  • Wordpress predefined routes

  • Site health checker url

  • Static site export command

Using WP Steroids Plugin
  • Wordpress configuration using YML ( view sample )

  • Permalink configuration for custom post type and taxonomy

  • Gutenberg editor resize

  • Maintenance mode

  • Backup download in dev mode

  • Build hook

  • Disabled automatic update

  • Enhanced Security

  • Better guid using RFC 4122 compliant UUID version 5

  • Multisite images sync ( for multisite as multilanguage )

  • SVG Support

  • Better Performance

  • Wordpress Bugfix

  • CSS Fix

  • Relative urls

  • Multisite post deep copy ( with multisite-language-switcher plugin )

  • Custom datatable support with view and delete actions in admin

Getting started

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

InstallationWordpressRouterCron jobTemplates

Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of Wordpress Bundle to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

Argument resolverControllerEntityRepositoryService

Last updated